Our Partners, Luigi Belluzzo and Tony Castagnetti, presented the opportunities for foreign investors in Italy at the Paris Boks International Annual Global Conference 2024.
With Brexit done and the vaccination programme being a huge success in the United Kingdom, allowing a phased reopening of the economy to take place, business is beginning to return to some kind of normality.
The UK government has recently expanded its Brexit grant and made available £20 million to provide support for businesses which now will include paying for VAT advice on imports and exports. This has been called the Professional Advice Grant.
I nostri Partner Tony Castagnetti ed Ezio La Rosa relatori al webinar organizzato da Assoholding - Brexit: flussi finanziari, cessioni di beni e obblighi di segnalazione - Venerdì 26 Febbraio 2021 – ore 11:00-12:30 e in replica ore 16:00 – 17:15
From the 1/1/2021 the rules in the United Kingdom for audit exemption based on the submission of a guarantee statement from a parent from the EU have changed. This is extremely important for Italian parent companies who have subsidiaries in the United Kingdom and relied on the exemption under sections 479A – 479C
Belluzzo International Partners organizza il Webinar: "Covid-19 e misure di sostegno alle imprese. I principali provvedimenti in Regno Unito, Svizzera e Italia".
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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