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Verona is in the productive and commercial heart of Northern Italy. It is where Umberto Belluzzo began his career as a freelancer in 1982, after a career in the senior management. 

Our professional activity has a particular focus on internationalisation processes, extraordinary reorganisation operations and governance of Italian entrepreneurial families. At the same time, we advise investors and international companies.

All our offices can liaise with our Desk specialists to assist Customers in a cross-border context, involving, when necessary, our colleagues and correspondents in various jurisdictions.

Wealth | Law | Tax | Finance

Vicolo Pietrone, 1/b - 37123 Verona
Our Offices
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
A family business firm for business families