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Our presence in Switzerland began with the opening of the Lugano office in 2017 following request from certain institutional customers and with the aim of positioning ourselves in Switzerland, one of the main locations for wealth planning businesses. The business has also evolved through cooperation with some of the main Swiss firms, within a framework of independence and international relations, especially in connection with the needs of customers in Switzerland, Italy and the United Kingdom.

We assist our customers with legal and tax matters, deal with estate and succession planning and work for institutional customers, private individuals and groups of companies, offering local and international solutions. 

All our offices can liaise with our Desk specialists to assist Customers in a cross-border context, involving, when necessary, our colleagues and correspondents in various jurisdictions.

 Wealth | Law | Tax | Finance

Via Serafino Balestra, 10 - 6900 Lugano
Our Offices
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
A family business firm for business families