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International Desk



Our International Desks assist clients who have interests in other countries. Each desk is structured to help about inbound or outbound structuring and assistance.

Whether an entrepreneur, a large corporate, a private client or an investor, we have the experience and know how surrounding the rules and the tax and legal environment in the countries involved.

In addition, through our correspondents, we have local knowledge and network relations in order to provide a value added advisory to the client.

We offer the highest quality service which leverages on local mindset, customs and conventions, use of the local language and understanding of the local culture.

Our model is to work alongside the client in cooperation with local service providers and advisors, with a strong ethos towards compliance and efficiency.

Our desks are designed as an ‘entry point’ to assess our clients’ needs and facilitate planning.

Every office can put you in contact with our specialists in order to plan the services you require within a cross border context.


Belluzzo International Partners | Forward Thinking


Wealth | Law | Tax | Finance


Our Offices
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
A family business firm for business families