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The Italian Tax on Trusts

The Italian Tax on Trusts
Belluzzo Mercanti welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the public consultation on the draft Circular Newsletter published by the Italian Revenue Agency concerning trusts’ direct and indirect taxation in Italy. Comments and suggestions were duly balanced among practitioners, also by contributing to the work of major societies and academic think-tanks, from our offices in Milan and London.

A technical paper has been provided in Italian to the Tax Authorities and we are happy to exchange it with interested readers upon request. In the meantime, please find hereby attached a summary of the content of the draft Circular, with some comments from our side too.

Belluzzo International Partners has a long history of active dialogue and contribution to the Parliament and other public authorities or academic institutions. We highly value opportunities to participate to the legislative process or to contribute to best practices in the communities where our clients and our professionals live.

  • pdf
    Belluzzo Mercanti_Il Fisco sui Trusts_Bozza di Circolare in consultazione
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  • Luigi Belluzzo
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Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
A family business firm for business families