Congratulations to our partners and professionals Luigi Belluzzo, Daniele Carlo Trivi, Alessandro Saini, Lorena Pellissier, Paola Bergamin and Domenico Sannicandro . We extend our gratitude to our multi-jurisdictional teams who contributed to this achievement.
A Special thanks to our clients and colleagues in the various jurisdictions for their feedback on our firm. Year after year, their input has contributed to our positioning in the most prestigious international directories.
Here are some testimonials about our firm:
Amazing knowledge of family business matters.
Able not just to advise, but also guide. Always looking for affordable solutions, using all potential innovations.
The assistance and support received for any tax-related question or matter is valid and aimed at finding the best solution for clients.
The advice is always at a high level.
Always available to listen to clients’ needs or requests.
Luigi Belluzzo is an outstanding partner.
Luigi Belluzzo – huge knowledge and experience, always available and full of positive energy.
Daniele Carlo Trivi is business oriented, very proactive, and in line with clients’ approach.