Valerio Vallefuoco is among the speakers at the webinar organised by the Milan Bar Association "Asset management, anti-money laundering and criminal risks".
Luigi Belluzzo, Andrea Moja, Valerio Vallefuoco e Paola Bergamin docenti al Master STEP “Corso di Alta formazione. Protezione, Trasmissione e Gestione dei Patrimoni Familiari”, organizzato da STEP Italy e Università Cattolica
2M Holdings group has acquired the entire share capital of Bregaglio - a distributor of raw materials for cosmetics. Belluzzo International Partners, with Gianluca Monti, act as financial advisor.
Belluzzo International Partners, also in 2022, among the supporters of "67 columns for the Arena di Verona", the foundraising and Corporate Membership project organised by the Fondazione Arena.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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