Alessandro Belluzzo speaker at the event 'Attracting human capital and investment: an overview on Italian Visa & tax incentives' organised by the Italian Embassy in London | London, 8 October 2024
La Sezione Prima Civile della Corte di Cassazione con l'ordinanza depositata l'8 maggio 2024, n. 12282, ha precisato in modo esaustivo quali siano i criteri che sovrintendono al diritto alla bigenitorialità dei figli minori in caso di loro trasferimento a "considerevole distanza" dal luogo di residenza paterna.
Il Decreto 139/2024 introduce, con effetto dal 1° gennaio 2025, una riorganizzazione sistemica dell’imposta sulle successioni, donazioni, registro e altre imposte indirette diverse dall’Iva. Nell’articolo pubblicato su Citywire Italia, Luigi Belluzzo illustra le principali novità.
Legislative Decree No. 139 of 18 September 2024, which amends the Consolidated Law on Inheritance and Donation Tax (TUS), was published in Official Gazette No. 231 of 2 October 2024. From our Firm's Wealth Department, a document outlining the main regulatory changes that will come into force on 1 January 2025.
Alessandro Saini, Equity Partner at Belluzzo International Partners advised on the tax aspects of PREDICT S.p.A’s IPO on the Euronext Growth Milan market of Borsa Italiana.
Alessandro Belluzzo was part of the team of experts who provided analysis and data for the report Assessing the Impact of Proposed Reforms to the Non-Dom Regime, published by Oxford Economics.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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