Luigi Belluzzo, il 1° Aprile 2020, ha tenuto una lezione al Master Sports Law, organizzato dall’Università Luigi Bocconi di Milano, su Wealth Planning per gli atleti professionisti. Nell’intervento ha esaminato in modo particolare le norme applicabili in Italia, la...
The government announced a grant for self-employed individuals worth 80% of the average of their annual trading profits for the last three tax years (2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19), up to £2,500 a month for three months. On the Government’s website it has been clarified that...
The current global pandemic has thrown the entire globe into a state of disarray and raised a very important question for auditors regarding the subject of going concern. For those of a certain age, they may well remember the Year 2000 dilemma when at 1 second past midnight on 31 December 1999...
As many clients of our Firm owns or are in business relationships with Luxembourg SPVs (corporate entities or funds) it is useful to hereby recap the basic information about the rules related to the Covid-19 outbreak in the Grand Duchy...
Pubblicato sul quotidiano la Repubblica - Londra del 29 Marzo 2020. E' una delle domande più frequenti poste dai nostri connazionali che risiedono nel Regno Unito e decidono di rientrare temporaneamente in patria per stare vicini alle proprie...
The Emergency ordinance on the granting of credits with joint and several federal guarantees adopted by the Swiss Federal Council on March 25th, 2020, provides businesses affected by the consequences of the Coronavirus...
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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