Congratulazioni ai nostri Partner Luigi Belluzzo, Daniele Carlo Trivi, Alessandro Saini, Lorena Pellissier e Paola Bergamin.
Un ringraziamento speciale a tutti i nostri team, ai clienti e colleghi in tutto il mondo per il feedback sul nostro Studio che ha contribuito, anno dopo anno, al nostro posizionamento nelle più prestigiose directory internazionali.
Alcuni testimonial hanno detto di noi:
‘The firm is deeply specialised in all areas of wealth planning, with a particular focus on cross-border taxation.‘
‘All the people within this practice are of a very high standard. Comprising various partners with different skills (in M&A, tax and other matters), it represents a kind of one-stop shop for all needs.‘
‘Great reputation and experience‘ – Provides very effective support‘ – ‘Its ability to support clients’ wealth planning needs is amazing.‘
‘Luigi Belluzzo’s knowledge and passion for wealth planning are outstanding. He always catches on to new regulatory trends and understands how to use such trends to resolve clients’ problems.‘ ‘Luigi Belluzzo is very knowledgeable and authoritative, specifically on the Italian lump sum taxation rules for people moving or returning to Italy.‘ ‘Luigi Belluzzo is very responsive – great cross-border knowledge and business oriented.‘