The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) commented the news according to which HMRC opened 5,537 inheritance tax (IHT) investigations in the 2018-2019 tax year...
The Law Society recently launched its UK-EU future partnership – legal services sector report that outlines with case studies some of the practical challenges of leaving the EU without a deal or with a deal that pays no attention to professional and business services...
Un documento di Alessandro Belluzzo che riassume le principali novità del Decreto Legge n.34 (c.d. “Decreto Crescita”) in merito al Regime Impatriati e agli Incentivi per il rientro in Italia di ricercatori e residenti all’estero. Leggi il documento qui ...
ANSA – Londra 14 Giugno 2019; la Repubblica – Londra 15 Giugno 2019. Cambio al vertice per la Camera di Commercio italiana nel Regno Unito. Alessandro Belluzzo è stato eletto nuovo Presidente...
Following the success of similar tax regimes already in place in Europe – like Portugal’s ‘non-habitual residents’ (NHR) scheme which gives special tax benefits to new resident pensioners, eligible to pay absolutely no tax on their income for the first 10 years – Italy has introduced a similar measure in its 2019 Budget Law.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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