Il Corriere della Sera – L’Economia - segnala in un articolo il Congresso Nazionale STEP Italy “Il Nuovo Vocabolario per Il Wealth Planning” al via oggi a Firenze con un pre-evento nel quale i professionisti del settore discuteranno sul tema dell'Arte nel settore...
Belluzzo International Partners was ranked in 2020 ITR World Tax’s Tier 1 as Leading Firm in Private Client Practice Area. Our Partners, Lorena Pellissier and Paola Bergamin have been ranked as “Highly Regarded” in the practice area Women in tax for the Italian jurisdiction.
The Decree provides certain amendments to the taxation rules applicable to Italian tax resident beneficiaries of foreign so called “opaque” trusts. The meaning of opaque is to be considered under Italian tax rules...
Our Alessandro Belluzzo and Domenico Sannicandro, TEP, will be speakers at the next meeting of the STEP City of London Branch: The Corbyn Put Option: Alternative Jurisdictions for Internationally Mobile Families...
This time last week, the Premier and other staunch Brexiteers were looking forward to a rosy outlook post 31st October 2019: The UK would finally be independent; there was a semblance of a withdrawal agreement on the table; a post Brexit...
Intervento di Daniele Carlo Trivi, equity Partner di Belluzzo International Partners, ieri, nel corso dell’evento Azimut Libera Impresa. Nel suo contributo alla tavola rotonda La dimensione internazionale delle PMI: professionisti ed imprenditori lavorano assieme,...
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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