Following the success of similar tax regimes already in place in Europe – like Portugal’s ‘non-habitual residents’ (NHR) scheme which gives special tax benefits to new resident pensioners, eligible to pay absolutely no tax on their income for the first 10 years – Italy has introduced a similar measure in its 2019 Budget Law.
Today Luigi Belluzzo is delivering a speech in Tel Aviv before an International plenary of lawyers and consultants. The Special Tax Regime for New Resident Workers, with his reduction of personal tax rate (effectively to 13% or 4,5% depending on conditions) for 5 (up...
di Manuela Travaglini, avvocato e consulente di Belluzzo International Partners. Dal suo Legally Blog su ‘la Repubblica’. All’ingresso dell’annuale Summer Exhibition della Royal Academy, al via il prossimo 10 giugno, c’è un’opera che fa già parlare di sé. L’autore è...
Belluzzo International Partners – London office – among the “global experts across more than 100 countries to ensure the UK remains the number one destination for foreign direct investment in Europe” as Mr. Graham Stuart MP, Minister for Investment, said...
Il 19 maggio u.s. gli elettori Svizzeri hanno approvato, a larga maggioranza con oltre il 66% dei voti, il pacchetto di “Riforma fiscale e finanziamento dell’AVS” (RFFA) che ha modificato in misura rilevante le disposizioni introdotte con la c.d....
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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