On Tuesday 27th October will be held a conference about The impact of BREXIT on the tax&legal rules to invest and trade between Italy and UK in Milano...
Ten minutes only to tell about “generazioni di valore”, an interview to Luigi Belluzzo (Belluzzo&Partners), Augusto Balestra (Orienta Partners), Kevin Tempestini (KT&Partners), Pier Valter Azzoni (Deloitte) and al the speakers who took part to the workshop held on June 23rd in Verona...
The Workshop organised by Belluzzo&Partners, Borsa Italiana, Deloitte, KT&Partners ed Orienta Partners will be held on Tuesday 23th June 2016– 5 PM at the Confindustria Verona Offices, Piazza Cittadella 12...
The 3rd Lugano International Forum organised by The Lantern Research will be held on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th June 2016 – at the Hotel De La Paix in Lugano...
The Workshop organised by STEP ITALY will be held on Wednesday 25th May 2016 – 5.30 PM at the STEP offices in Rome (co Legalitax), Via Flaminia 135, 00196...
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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