Nelle giornate di venerdì 18 e sabato 19 marzo i professionisti, Avv. Colin Jamieson e Dott.ssa Marianna Da Frè hanno partecipato al Convegno organizzato dall’IAIA (Associations of International Accountants) , accreditato dall’ordine dei dottori commercialisti e degli...
The Workshop organised by Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano and Fondazione Forense Di Milano will be held on Tuesday 19th April 2016 – 2.30 PM at the sala Eligio Gualdoni. Daniele Trivi will be speaker of the event.
The Workshop organised by STEP ITALY will be held on Tuesday 7th April 2016 – 11.15 AM at the STEP offices in Milan (co Legalitax), Piazza Pio XI, 1 (20123)...
The Workshop hosted by Belluzzo & Partners and the ICCS Italian Chamber of Commerce in Singapore, will be held Tuesday 24th March – 9:00am at the Tower Club Singapore, 9 Raffles Pl, Penthouse (62nd – 64th Floors), Republic Plaza Tower 1, Singapore 048619...
On Friday 18th March was held the Workshop hosted by Belluzzo & Partners LLP and the Embassy of Italy in London, Alessandro Belluzzo and Luigi Belluzzo were speakers of the event that saw also the participation of Pasquale Terracciano...
Workshop hosted by Belluzzo & Partners LLP and the Embassy of Italy in London, will be held Friday 18th March – 10:00am at the Embassy of Italy in London, 4 Grosvenor Square, London W1K 4AE Please find attached the full program of the event: BP London Workshop...
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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