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Destination Italy | Deputy Minister Leo presents tax reform to investors during the Belluzzo workshop at the Embassy of Italy in London

Destination Italy | Deputy Minister Leo presents tax reform to investors during the Belluzzo workshop at the Embassy of Italy in London
Deputy Minister Maurizio Leo presented  the tax reform to over 100 investors gathered at the Italian Embassy on 24 March 2023 for the  Destination Italy: the attraction of Italy for individuals and foreign investment‘ workshop organised by Belluzzo International Partners in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in London, the Italian Trade Agency and the Italians’ Private Capital Association.

The parliamentary process in the Italian Chamber of Deputies for the delegation of the  tax  law which kicks off the reform, started on the same day and is ‘an ambitious project that aims to change the direction of taxation in our country’.

The Deputy Minister presented the salient points of the delegation of the tax law, which he hoped would be approved ‘by the end of May or early in June, in order to prepare the implementing decrees’.

The goal is to open  Italy ‘to international investors, give certainty to taxpayers, and reduce the tax burden’ and ‘to make our country attractive to foreign investment, to which a series of assurances and simplifications will be offered’ .

The Deputy Minister’s speech followed the welcoming speech from the Italian Ambassador in London, Inigo Lambertini, who commented that the arrival of the tax reform would ‘stimulate both investment and the attraction of human capital to our country with a complete restructuring of the current tax system’.

A broader debate followed the two institutional speeches, illustrating to entrepreneurs and investors the impact of current and pending legislation on tax residence, investments and life in Italy and the opportunities that Italy presents in these respects, with speeches from Luigi Belluzzo, Founding Partner of Belluzzo International Partners, Giuseppe La Loggia, Senior Partner of EOS IM Group, Roberto Rizzardo, Head of Investment Attraction of INVITALIA and Valerio Vallefuoco of Studio Legale Vallefuoco and partner of Belluzzo International Partners.

The final speech was delivered by Alessandro Belluzzo, Founding Partner of Belluzzo International Partners, who also focused on current trends in relations between Italy and the UK.

The event  concluded with a speech by Stefano Trespidi, Deputy Artistic Director of the Fondazione Arena di Verona, who presented the 2023 Festival on the occasion of its’ 100th anniversary.  The audience was treated to a stunning live performance from the soprano Anna Pirozzi and tenor Yonghoon Lee, accompanied by  Federico Brunello on the piano.


Press review

ANSA | Il Sole24Ore | Il Messaggero | Milano Finanza | Il Gazzettino | La Sicilia


Video by London one Radio

  • Alessandro Belluzzo
  • Luigi Belluzzo
  • Valerio Vallefuoco
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Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
A family business firm for business families