The situation involving Jannik Sinner has concluded positively, but it has highlighted the negative impacts of the current management of sports justice.
The European Commission has closed the file opened upon AIDC’s report on Controlled Foreign Companies (CFC), concluding the procedure in a manner favorable to taxpayers.
Nel 2025, il Regno Unito ha introdotto l'ETA (Electronic Travel Authorisation) come requisito obbligatorio per l'ingresso nel paese. L'ETA non è un visto, ma un'autorizzazione elettronica che consente di viaggiare o transitare nel Regno Unito.
In an interview with Citywealth, Alessandro Belluzzo discusses the advantages Italy offers to HNWIs and entrepreneurial families considering leaving the UK following the increased tax burden introduced by the Labour government.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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