A recent paper by Rita de la Feria (University of Leeds) and Giorgia Maffini (University of Oxford) suggests that as many as 700,000 UK taxpayers could become internationally mobile due to the new working from home arrangements.
Verona celebrates Dante Alighieri with the short film “Dante, per nostra fortuna”. Two scheduled screenings on the 13th of July at 4:00pm and 7:00pm | Verona, Church of San Fermo Maggiore.
Luigi Belluzzo, Paola Bergamin and Andrea Moja are professors on the "Protection, Transmission and Management of Family Assets" Advanced Training Course, offered by STEP Italy in association with Cattolica University.
Alessandro Belluzzo, in una intervista rilasciata a We Wealth, illustra gli impatti della Brexit in materia di successioni, investimenti immobiliari e residenza.
Una guida che affronta il delicato tema della pianificazione successoria e del passaggio generazionale, dai principi civilistici delle successioni e delle donazioni, ai temi di fiscalità, con uno sguardo critico ai molti strumenti a disposizione.
Distance selling within EU countries. The new threshold for distance selling of B2C goods between EU member states and Northern Ireland is a single pan-European threshold of €10,000 (£8,818).
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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