We are delighted to announce that our Alessandro Belluzzo has been re-elected as Deputy Chair of STEP – Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners – Cross Border Estates Group.
Now that the UK has left the European Union with effect from 31 January 2020, the Statutory Instruments for the accounting and audit sector that the UK Government passed last year will not come into force until...
Our Luigi Belluzzo speaks today at Vienna International Congress “The 2020s: a new era for transparency, innovation and mobility”. His speech focuses on International estate and wealth planning, with a peculiar attention to (tax) transparency and the new (fair)...
Un'opportunità unica per riprendere il "pieno controllo delle frontiere britanniche per la prima volta in decenni" ed eliminare la "distorsione" causata dalla libertà di circolazione dell'UE: è quanto prevede il nuovo piano...
Patent box: Il regime fiscale opzionale del Patent Box (art. 1, comma 37 e ss. della Legge n. 190/2014 – Legge di Stabilità 2015) è stato introdotto per incentivare lo sviluppo, la collocazione, nonché il mantenimento in...
As we enter a new era in UK trade as an independent trading nation, the free-to-use tools available on gov.uk will support existing businesses who are trading internationally and encourage new businesses to start by making it easier for them to...
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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