Our Partners, Luigi Belluzzo and Paola Bergamin, were speakers at the event organized by the Trust and Wealth Protection Instruments Committee of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Verona, in collaboration with STEP Italy.
Our Partners, Luigi Belluzzo and Paola Bergamin, will speak as lecturers at the course "Succession and Asset Planning after the Reform of the TUS and TUIR", organized by the Young Chartered Accountants Association of Venice.
Paola Bergamin, TEP and member of the Italian Branch Committee, and Valerio Vallefuoco, TEP, will attend the STEP Europe 2024 Conference in Monaco on 21 and 22 November.
Belluzzo International Partners has been recognised as a Firm Leader in the Private Client category by the ITR World Tax Guide 2025, with excellent rankings in Transactional Tax, Tax Controversy, Transfer Pricing and General Corporate Tax.
The Council of State issued a Precautionary Ordinance suspending the judgments that had rejected the appeals seeking the annulment of the Regulation on the Anti-Money Laundering Register of beneficial owners.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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