Un commento di Alessandro Saini e Matteo Gandini alla sentenza della Corte di Cassazione n. 26432, depositata il 10 ottobre 2024, con la quale la Corte si è espressa sulla rilevanza delle raccomandazioni dell’OCSE in tema di Transfer Pricing.
Il recente Decreto Legge c.d. “omnibus” (DL 113/2024, art. 6) ha introdotto un regime speciale di tassazione dei redditi dei lavoratori frontalieri residenti nei seguenti 72 Comuni.
With ruling no. 423/2023, filed on July 29, 2024, the First-Tier Tax Court of Verona recognized the legitimacy of a refund requested by a taxpayer for double taxation on foreign dividends.
The Italian Supreme Court, in its ruling no. 22608 of August 9, 2024, established the right to VAT deduction for a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) involved in a merger leveraged buyout (MLBO) operation.
The Meloni Government, with the “Omnibus” Decree, has planned to amend paragraph 2 of Article 24-bis of the TUIR (New Tax Residents) by doubling the optional substitute personal income tax due by new tax residents on all foreign income.
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