Our founding partner Luigi Belluzzo will be one of the keynote speakers at Step Europe webinar "Citizenships, visas, tax regimes: a run for (fair) tax competition in order to attract HNWI and family offices?" - 17 February 2022 | h. 15:00 (CET)
Luigi Belluzzo, together with Alessandra Manuli, managing director of Hedge Invest and Enrico Marchi, Chairman of Banca Finint, moderated by Silvia Sacchi of Corriere della Sera, during the Family Business Festival 2021.
Corriere della Sera interview with Luigi Belluzzo during the Family Business Festival 2021 - organised by Corriere della Sera-L'Economia, Università Bocconi, AIDAF - Associazione Italiana delle Aziende Familiari, Maria Silvia Sacchi Guido Corbetta.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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