Luigi Belluzzo will give a speech at the Annual Conference of the Italian Branch of the International Fiscal Association - on La legge del bilancio 2023 (The 2023 Budget Law) - Milan, 8 February 2023 | 8:30 - 16:50 | Hotel Principe di Savoia.
Equity partner Enrico Rimini and special counsel Gianluca Monti of Belluzzo International Partners, acted as financial advisor to the Sebino Group in the acquisition, by its subsidiary Sebino Security, of the operational activities of Eprom System.
Belluzzo International Partners, with a team made up of equity partner Enrico Rimini and special counsel Gianluca Monti, acted as financial advisor to WebScience Srl in the sale of its share capital to the German company adesso SE.
Belluzzo International Partners advisor of Giordano Controls with equity partner Ignazio Stefano Barone, who handled the financial and tax aspects, and the legal team with lawyers Andrea Moja, Chiara Gandini and Luca Bisconti.
Belluzzo International Partners celebrates its 40th anniversary. To mark this occasion, our founder Umberto Belluzzo talks to film director Massimiliano Finazzer Flory about the history and founding values of the Firm.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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