2M Holdings group has acquired the entire share capital of Bregaglio - a distributor of raw materials for cosmetics. Belluzzo International Partners, with Gianluca Monti, act as financial advisor.
Belluzzo International Partners, also in 2022, among the supporters of "67 columns for the Arena di Verona", the foundraising and Corporate Membership project organised by the Fondazione Arena.
PATRIZIA Infrastructure ha acquisito l’80% del capitale di Biomet. Belluzzo International Partners ha curato per Ankorgaz gli aspetti fiscali dell’operazione con i Partner Luigi Belluzzo e Alessandro Saini e il Senior Consultant Ivan Mastrototaro.
The professional joint venture in Singapore between Belluzzo International Partners and Algebra is expanding its business activities in the city-state. The move to new offices goes hand in hand with the business growth plan that the two partners are developing.
Belluzzo International Partners and the Italian independent Law Firm Studio Vallefuoco have signed a joint venture agreement, as part of a growth plan to combine their respective areas of expertise.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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