Belluzzo International Partners, in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in London, ITA - Italian Trade Agency - and IPCA - Italians' Private Capital Association, is organizing the usual annual Workshop on March 24th at the Italian Embassy in London. This year, the theme of the event will be "Destination Italy: the attraction of Italy for individuals and foreign investment".
The Webinar organized by the Firm "Trust Commerciali e non commerciali, Holding e la nuova Pianificazione Patrimoniale in Italia. Le novità introdotte dalla Circolare 34/E del 20 Ottobre 2022 e dal Registro Titolari Effettivi" was held on December 1.
The Webinar organized by the Firm " Destination Italy. New Tax Residence Flat tax regime, New Trust Guidelines and the Belpaese" was held on December 1.
ODCEC di Verona, Commissione Trust e Strumenti di Tutela del Patrimonio, organizza il Convegno dal titolo "Il Trust, l’utilizzo dello strumento dopo le linee guida del Fisco". Tra i relatori Luigi Belluzzo e Valerio Vallefuoco. Modera Paola Bergamin.
Belluzzo International Partners e Trust&Wealth organizzano l'Evento "L'evoluzione del Tennis" - ROMA | 12 Maggio 2022 | ore 9:30 – 13:00 - Circolo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri - Lungotevere dell'Acqua Acetosa, 42.
Belluzzo International Partners e Trust & Wealth organizzano l’evento “Il Tennis a Bordighera dal 1878 ad oggi”. Bordighera | 15 Aprile 2022 - Circolo Tennis, Via Stoppani 15 - ore 9:30 – 12:00.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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