I nostri Partner Paola Bergamin e Andrea Moja relatori al Webinar DAC 6: profili applicativi degli obblighi di comunicazione organizzato da Convenia il 10 Febbraio 2021.
Case studies on mobility and tax consequences in Greece, Italy, Switzerland and the UK. Covid-19 made even more apparent the benefits that certain European* countries can offer to their residents and citizens: high levels of safety and security, excellent education opportunities, robust healthcare options, and a dependable rule of law.
Luigi Belluzzo will give a speech at the webinar organized by STEP Europe: Pandemic realities: Implications for tax-residence of individuals, trusts and corporations
I nostri Partner, Luigi Belluzzo e Andrea Moja, interverranno al Webinar organizzato da Convenia: Il Trust e il contenzioso in ambito nazionale ed estero - 1 dicembre 2020
IPCA e Belluzzo International Partners organizzano il Webinar: Brexit e Private Equity: implicazioni legali e fiscali ad un mese dalla scadenza - 30 Novembre 2020 - ore 6:30pm (GMT).
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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