Milan, 2 May 2018 – Belluzzo is the new name chosen by Belluzzo&Partners, the leading family business international firm with a focus on wealth planning, tax & legal and group re-organization M&A and special investments and projects. The new name Belluzzo is a shortened version of the former one and reflects today’s trends to simplify and facilitate the interactions and the communication flow.
The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, held on the 24th April under the Chairmanship of Enrico Salza, approved the Financial Statements of Tecnoinvestimenti S.p.A. at 31 December 2017...
Fonte: Top Legal Kruk, società quotata presso la Borsa di Varsavia e specializzata nel recupero crediti e nell’acquisto di portafogli di non performing loan (Npl), ha proceduto all’acquisizione della maggioranza del capitale sociale del servicer...
Our Luigi Belluzzo will be teaching at the International Taxation Master course by the Business School of Il Sole 24 Ore.<br />
For further information please visit or read the flier BROCHURE10012018.<br />
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Presentazione speciale per la III edizione della Guida alla Pianificazione Patrimoniale in 4 volumi edita da Il Sole 24 Ore, e a cura di Luigi Belluzzo, nel corso della trasmissione Striscia La Notizia del 3 di gennaio. Un grazie ad Ezio Greggio che ha voluto brevemente presentare il primo volume della collana.
On Thursday 14th December Alessandro Belluzzo was a guest of the Class CNBC TV programme. During the television interview with Angela Antetomaso, topics were discussed which have been very talked about soft and hard Brexit and about the opportunities that a soft Brexit will bring to UK and to Italy.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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