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The new "TRUST 2023" guide by Luigi Belluzzo and published by Il Sole 24 Ore

The new "TRUST 2023" guide by Luigi Belluzzo and published by Il Sole 24 Ore
 The ‘TRUST 2023’ guide  edited by Luigi Belluzzo and published by Il Sole 24 Ore (March 2023) is now available.

 The guide provides an in-depth commentary with the usual practical and operational perspective to the guidelines dictated by the Italian Tax Authority with Circular no. 34/E of 20 October 2022. 

 The publication is the result of the professional activity and research carried out by Belluzzo International Partners, from consolidated experience in trusts law and estate planning, by a multi-jurisdictional team operating in Italy, England and other locations where the firm has its own offices and/or correspondents.

 Circular No. 34/E gives in-depth analysis for existing trusts. It is important to verify that the new guidelines are implemented and complied with,  in order to take advantage of all the new opportunities, as well as for the setting up of the new procedures underlying the proper tax accounting of trusts for the convenience of beneficiaries.

 Nevertheless, thanks to the clarifications provided, new opportunities for wealth and estate planning are envisaged, which allow new Best Practices for asset holding, governance and next-gen planning.

Italy and/or assets in Italy.  

 TRUST 2023, published in Italian,  is available through the online portal of Gruppo24Ore 

  • Luigi Belluzzo
  • Alessandro Belluzzo
  • Paola Bergamin
  • Alberto Franceschetti
  • Ivan Mastrototaro
  • Giovanna Mazza
  • Andrea Moja
  • Domenico Sannicandro
  • Valerio Vallefuoco
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Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
A family business firm for business families