Alessandro Belluzzo acted as legal advisor to Jorginho, together with the player’s agent, for his move from Chelsea to Arsenal. This was finalised yesterday with the signing that ratified the midfielder's transfer to Arsenal with an agreement until 2024 with an option to extend until 2025.
Luigi Belluzzo will give a speech at the Annual Conference of the Italian Branch of the International Fiscal Association - on La legge del bilancio 2023 (The 2023 Budget Law) - Milan, 8 February 2023 | 8:30 - 16:50 | Hotel Principe di Savoia.
L’Accordo amichevole tra Svizzera ed Italia del 19-20 giugno 2020 sul c.d. “telelavoro” cesserà i propri effetti giuridici a far data dal 1° febbraio 2023. A complicare il mutato quadro delle misure agevolative sul c.d. “telelavoro”, si inseriscono le previsioni dell’Accordo del 23 dicembre 2020 tra Italia e Svizzera che innoverà radicalmente il trattamento fiscale per i lavoratori frontalieri residenti in Italia in uno dei Comuni ubicati nella fascia a ridosso del confine tra Italia e Svizzera
Equity partner Enrico Rimini and special counsel Gianluca Monti of Belluzzo International Partners, acted as financial advisor to the Sebino Group in the acquisition, by its subsidiary Sebino Security, of the operational activities of Eprom System.
I nostri Partner, Luigi Belluzzo e Andrea Moja relatori al Webinar La nuova disciplina fiscale dei trust dopo la Circolare 34/E dell’Agenzia delle Entrate organizzato da Convenia – 8 Febbraio 2023, ore 9.30 – 13.00 / 14.00 – 16.00.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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