On 19 November 2024, the Italian Tax Authorities issued Circular Letter n. 23/E/2024 aiming to clarify the IME rules. Our Focus Update provided a brief examination of the IME rules and of the clarifications provided by the Italian Tax Authorities.
Our Guide for Foreign Investors is available on request and aims to provide a first reference of the relevant rules related to Italy from the perspective of a foreign investor.
Our Partners Luigi Belluzzo, Enrico Rimini, Valerio Vallefuoco and Senior Consultant Ivan Mastrototaro will be attending the International Fiscal Association World Congress 2024 | Cape Town | 27-31 October 2024
Luigi Belluzzo e Ivan Mastrototaro su Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale n.10/2024 edita da Wolters Kluwer approfondiscono la recente modifica operata dal D.Lgs. n. 209/2023 all’art. art. 2 del T.U.I.R., che, nell’ambito del più ampio quadro della riforma fiscale in corso, ha ridefinito le regole applicabili per determinare la residenza fiscale delle persone fisiche.
We are pleased to announce that Ivan Mastrototaro, Lawyer specialised in tax law and Senior Consultant of Belluzzo International Partners in the Milan team, has brilliantly acquired the international qualification of TEP.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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