La Sezione Prima Civile della Corte di Cassazione con l'ordinanza depositata l'8 maggio 2024, n. 12282, ha precisato in modo esaustivo quali siano i criteri che sovrintendono al diritto alla bigenitorialità dei figli minori in caso di loro trasferimento a "considerevole distanza" dal luogo di residenza paterna.
Il 6 Giugno 2024, Laura Logli, Avvocato di Diritto di famiglia del nostro studio, dialogherà di adolescenze difficili con Mauro Grimoldi, Psicologo giuridico, CTP e CTU del Tribunale di Milano e autore del volume "Dieci lezioni sul male – i crimini degli adolescenti"
There was a large turnout at the event 'Family Wealth. The management of family relationships in domestic and international settings. International Couples and Comparing Cultures', which addressed the issue of the protection that different countries provide to family members in cases of international separation and divorce, with a particular focus on Italy and the United Kingdom.
The wealth planning is the topic explored in the publication written by our Wealth team in the June 2023 issue of "Le Dossier", published by We-Wealth.
Laura Logli, a lawyer specialised in family law, addresses in an article published in "la 27esima ora" of Corriere della Sera the issue of child support between separated parents, according to the law and agreements between former spouses.
The Cartabia Reform came into force on March 1st, 2023. This will have a significant impact on family law proceedings. The aim is to reduce the length of time from the start of proceedings and a judgement.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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