Our professionals Paola Bergamin and Giovanna Mazza will be the speakers at the event "The art of Estate Planning: tools, case studies, opportunities" organised by S&O Multi Family Office - Bologna, 26 February 2024, 6 p.m., S&O Via Malpertuso, 1.
Belluzzo International Partners and ARTantide organise the event "What's new in 2024 for the art market and collectables. Legal, tax and estate planning issues". 8 February 2024 | 17:30 - 18:30 | ARTantide Gallery Via Messedaglia, 7 - Verona
There was a large turnout at the event 'Family Wealth. The management of family relationships in domestic and international settings. International Couples and Comparing Cultures', which addressed the issue of the protection that different countries provide to family members in cases of international separation and divorce, with a particular focus on Italy and the United Kingdom.
The 'Italy-England, the European derby: The great challenges, the golden years of Serie A and the Premier League boom' event took place at the Italian Embassy in London on October 17th.
The webinar will evaluate, with a focus on Italy, the emerging new best practices, particularly in relation to the organisation of international assets in full compliance, using the tools of international wealth planning.
Nella splendida cornice dell’Ambasciata d’Italia a Londra e con la sapiente guida del giornalista Stefano Meloccaro si è svolto venerdì l’evento “Queen’s e Wimbledon the Italian job” che ha celebrato le vittorie dei tennisti italiani nei prestigiosi campi in erba Inglesi.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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