Luigi Belluzzo, Domenico Sannicandro e Gise Genco su Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale n.11/2024 edita da Wolters Kluwer approfondiscono le rilevanti novità apportate dal D.lgs. n. 139/2024 alla disciplina delle imposte indirette diverse dall’IVA.
On 19 November 2024, the Italian Tax Authorities issued Circular Letter n. 23/E/2024 aiming to clarify the IME rules. Our Focus Update provided a brief examination of the IME rules and of the clarifications provided by the Italian Tax Authorities.
Belluzzo International Partners organises the Webinar | UK Autumn Budget 2024. Navigating Tax Changes & Global Relocation Options | Monday 18 November 2024 | h 5:00 pm GMT
The Meloni Government, with the “Omnibus” Decree, has planned to amend paragraph 2 of Article 24-bis of the TUIR (New Tax Residents) by doubling the optional substitute personal income tax due by new tax residents on all foreign income.
Belluzzo International Partners is a multidisciplinary, international and independent professional boutique that provides consultancy in the areas of Wealth, Law, Tax, Finance.
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